Friday, July 27, 2018

Geeks Of Love -- Democracy And Its Fallacies --- A Speech From The Queen

The light flickers on... the TV screen rolls up... A prince at all times likes his position however may it be in supposition that is in opposition to the Queen's position upon this position.  So today we will talk today with the Queen Of Our Great Country Canada... I think it is Canada?  Yes, yes, it is.  Right now... to the Queen from her place in London, uh, no, no in London England.

"Thus it is upon our arrival that it is that we agree about this place that is Canada, that it is.

Hereupon now with and henceforward and forthwith backward and around a bit and forever shall it be known that I herself, am the rightful Queen of Canada, as a Democracy. Being born as such a man, I do henceforward and forthwith and backward and around a bit I do apologize forsooth for being suchly born, and equipped. Not perhaps in a way that offends men, for I aptly like their bits a bit, yet perchance I will not eulogize for the sake of moreso offending the woman than the man. As it is a Democracy and we have voted upon the pole, the only pole that I will mention ever again, we have chosen this path, as it were because the women were the only ones with any strong opinion to the question of should the ruler be a man or a women. As perhaps almost all the women, except an 8, a merely 8 percent upon the vast and sanguine sheet and score, what chains upon the sky what wort am I that I might be born en-manned, such now it is the law, the law that I must be the very whim upon the earth a man. And such am I cast and knavely shorn, but not of the cockles of my soul, though madly shriven and cast upon the earth in such a pickle that even the madrigals of madmen who caterwaul about the men instead of the woman and castigate cat-glances against those that caterwaul drunkenly inside... save one. I might have hope, I might have day! Entranced am I but of this earth, this worth, of worldly loam. Thus must I dress forever more and foreword as a woman, forever whipped into place by the auspices of my betters, that being the many and no more the few. The hay is mine inside the gay no place to stay outside the gay.... may Democras-ism ever be here to stay, within my loins ever to be... voted by Democracy. The earth, the banks, the buttocks, and the peniss ever more shall we erect the foundry of our tradition upon the earth, and seminal words shall lick our lips like the praise ever upon the buttocks of the bold, the powerful, the brave, ever to be lost in the bottle, never to find the words for hope forever after. Save Democracy the powerful the she-dragon of the apocalypse, who shall bring back religion undivided from the state, and with each failure impress the world with its heresy that never would they vote for. And let us say that is un-Democractic and wage war now that our Nelly of a mother is out of the house, we will all play dress up, and an nay, and a nay, and a nay, a nanny nay!

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